Monday, June 16, 2008

Lisa and Taz-Team Shoot with Eric Foley!!!

Taz and Lisa!! Congratulations
I am way behind on blogging because this is the first wedding of actually five in the past 3 weeks I photographed with Eric Foley of Eric Foley Photography!!!
Lisa and Taz had a catholic wedding ceremony and also a traditional Korean wedding ceremony! During the Korean ceremony the parents tossed nuts into the ceremonial cloth that Lisa and Taz were holding; however many nuts they caught were how many children they were predicted to have!!!! How fun; it was quite a hysterical moment!


Robin Dini Photography said...

beautiful job missy! love the colors in these shots. that b&w of them walking is a great moment.

Erik Maziarz said...

great shots! the colors in the Korean ceremony are so vibrant!

Eric Foley said...

Simply Awesome Missy! Thank you so much for your hard work!